Pricing of 'Professional Studies' lectures

Feedback from tutors and trainees on
'The Foundations of Professionalism in Teaching'

I used your videos with the cohort of trainees who have just gained QTS and they thought they were brilliant (so do I) and I am looking forward to using them again during our SCITT induction with our new cohort in September. Please let me know if you produce any new videos!
Juliet Pearce. Director of Hampshire Learn Alliance SCITT
Once again Alan, massive thanks. You have been so quick of the mark to get a real quality product out there. These are really excellent (but I think you are selling them too cheap!)
Ed Boyle, Head of ITT, St Mary’s University Twickenham
So many of our students are learning so much from your videos this week. Thank you for making your brilliant input available despite the lockdown! Our @TeachStMarys PGCE Primary students had their exit tutorials last week and had to evidence their progress against the Teachers' Standards. So many referred to your great videos and how much they'd got from watching them and engaging with the
resources. They spoke confidently and articulately about their professional roles and responsibilities and many commented on how accessible and informative the content was. Thanks so much for creating such engaging resources for our trainees.
Jenny Murray, Head of Primary PGCE, St Mary’s University Twickenham
I thought the British values lecture and resource pack was fantastic! It raised and provoked some really interesting points. So it was very insightful from a personal and a teaching perspective. The professionalism lecture was great too. I liked the fact that
there were so many points to pause the video to promote self reflection.
Navdeep Kaur Dhillon, PGCE student, St Mary’s University Twickenham
Amazing video by Alan on professionalism... educational, informative and above all thought-provoking. The sessions were great! Some really useful ideas that I will be sure to take into the classroom especially from the British Values video. I liked that I could reflect during each of the videos by taking notes and utilising the booklet.
PGCE student St Mary’s University Twickenham
Loved the videos - terrific production values. You've done a grand job and you deliver the content with clarity. Liked the timeline and linked resources. Excellent feedback from the trainees. You're onto a winner Alan.
Brigitte Boylan, Director of LETTA SCITT, East London
The topics you cover are contentious and are ones that most people are uncomfortable teaching - legal, ethical issues and fundamental British values - but you do it in a powerful and thought-provoking way...
Kay Truscott-Howell, Director of Billericay SCITT, Essex
Hi Alan, Thanks again for providing the video for your ethics and professionalism session. As promised, I have collated all of their responses and include these below. I deliberately haven’t edited these so that you can view all that they have said. As you can see, the session went down very well and the positives vastly outweighed any small criticisms that they had. Have a great summer. Hope to see you in person next year!
John Mower, Head of Primary ITT, University of Hertfordshire
Comments from University of Hertfordshire: ITT students:
Hi John, Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the presentation. It was very thought provoking and the format of a recorded video gave us a chance to discuss things thoroughly. Alan has a very calming voice to listen to and was very interesting.
Hi John, the presentation was very clear, well structured and easy to follow. What was really nice is that it gave us the opportunity to discuss issues in small groups with people I know very well during and after the video was over. So everyone contributed and said things I'm not sure they would have said in a lecture room or with a Zoom. I was very impressed with the content and enjoyed the stories.
Hi John, I just wanted to feedback about the lecture we were asked to watch today. It started off a bit slow although quickly became engaging with his questions we were asked to reflect on. But then when it got to the main part of the lecture I really enjoyed both the content and the discussions based on his questions. We were really made to think about our own professionalism and moral code as well as of those viewing the profession. Which I think it is vital to understand how others view teaching and how we need to prepare ourselves for this. Some of the answers and anecdotes he provided really made me think and reflect as well as understanding the topic further.
Hi John, I hope you're well! Our group watched the session together after the 10:30 meeting earlier and collated the following feedback:
It was a clear video, we could hear and see him well
There was good use of examples to explain certain points further, however sometimes he went off on a slight tangent.
It was great that he included summaries after each section to clarify key points and ideas – video works well for this.
Hi John, We watched the video together so this is feedback from the both of us; we found the video to be of high quality as well as being informative, definitely has given us points to go away and think about when in our first years of teaching. Both the sound and the editing of the video made it really easy to follow and enjoyable to watch, we particularly liked the sections of the video where writing could be seen on the board within the screen as this consolidated what had been said. Much better than with a Zoom.
Dear John, Hope you are keeping well. I thought the session flowed really nicely from one topic to another and I enjoyed the scenarios that were mentioned. Also, explaining how it is best to deal with these scenarios within school was highly beneficial as they are always quite hard topics to address.
Hi John, I worked in a group with friends to discuss the Alan Newland Video. Here are our notes from the online session:
Video was clear and the quality was good.
Good questions to think about – questions helped us to interact and have a detailed discussion about the points being raised.
The examples after the questions were good – allowed us time to reflect on the points we made as a group and replay some bits of the video
Interesting points were raised.
Very interesting to listen to and engaged us throughout the session.
He gave us his opinion on different questions but did not force his opinions on us.
Personal experiences and anecdotes were mentioned, so we were able to think in greater depth about the points he was raising.
The additional support websites and ideas will help us in our future if any issues arise and we need support or help.
Hi John, Thank you for the session this morning and for sending the details for Alan's talk. I have watched this talk and really enjoyed it. A good opportunity for us to discuss questions and consider the importance of the issues he raised. In terms of the video, it was well-timed, not too long but gave us chance to stop and start when we wanted to, discussed a number of extremely interesting issues and finally, the sound and video picture were perfect. Thank you again for organising this.
They were fantastic! I found the reflection points very useful to take notes on points you had discussed, particularly areas that illustrate teaching Fundamental British Values as this was a section of the Part 2 Teacher Standards I initially panicked about. I think the three part videos would be extremely helpful especially for students in their final year as I feel that it has given me a lot more confidence to address issues going into my first year of teaching. Great idea!
Roisin Moody PG student at Liverpool JMU
Just finished a busy second day of summer school watching @newteacherstalk wonderful ethics and values presentation! Fascinating and thought provoking stuff I was calling it a day but now I’m watching The Teacher & The Law video too.
@scubakate PG student at Liverpool JMU on Twitter